The presence of the holy Arpadian kings in the churches of the nobility: cult or social aspiration? - Iconographic analysis / Prezența regilor sfinți arpadieni în bisericile nobilimii: cult sau aspirație socială? - Analiză iconografică
Case study: The iconographic cycle in the church of Mălâncrav . This essay aims to highlight the presence of the holy Arpadian kings in the churches of the nobility in Transylvania and the Kingdom of medieval Hungary, trying to elucidate the way in which the nobility perceives the dynastic sanctity, more precisely, whether the rendering of the three saints in churches represents a social aspiration or a cult. The cult of the three Hungarian holy kings is initially diffused in the kingdom with the support of the Arpadian dynasty. Stephen I, the first Christian king of the Kingdom of medieval Hungary, ruled between 1000 / 1001-1038 and was one of the main promoters of Christianity. In his lifetime, based on the principle of primogeniture, he named his son Emeric (Imre) as heir to the royal throne, but died in 1031 without being crowned. In 1083 both Stephen I and his son Emeric are canonized at the initiative of King Ladislas I (1077-1095), [1] a...